Edgejumpers Defense - UNFINISHED (VimJam2: [Boss 8 Bits to Infinity])

Made for VimJam 2: Boss [8 Bits to Infinity]

NOTE: This game is unfinished, the core loop is there, however real life prevented me from implementing more features, towers, enemies, and some functionality (such as upgrading/removing towers). This was my first game jam as well, so while it's not finished I'm happy with how far I managed to get

You're village is the last known surivors after a cataclysmic event left the world as a small chunk of it's former self, with endless monsters seemingly coming from nowhere.

The world is devoid of almost all resources, however one fateful day a child noticed the glimmering of what appeared to be some unknown material from the edge of nothingness that your village now sits next to.

After fashioning an aparatus to secure your villagers with the last of your materials, you ordered them to jump off the edge and gather what they could find. These were the first of these edgejumpers. The resource that they found was mysterious, in that it could be fashioned into anything! This meant adding to the defenses of the oncoming hordes would be far simpler than throwing human lives at them! What's even more amazing, is that unless they have no other choice, the monsters appear to avoid this material, meaning they will avoid any defenses unless their path is completely blocked.

Build towers to defend your village
Create mazes to prolong the time before they reach your village
Send out more jumpers to gather the mysterious resources of the Edge
As time progresses the enemies will be faster, and have more health

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